~ from cats, dogs and nature to the flowering of body, mind and spirit ~

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tangled Roots and Broken Bones

While most of my focus these days is over On The Gaia Path, I'm also still working to complete my memoir "Tangled Roots & Broken Bones," a scripted journey of return to the Ozarks, land of my birth, home of my ancestors from the past 150+ years. This has been a remarkable inner adventure, fraught with peril but ultimately rewarding and illuminating. 

Curiously, and quite unexpectedly, my work on this manuscript has traversed a decade of experiences, all of which have impacted me on every level of my being. From ancestry to accidents, from pandemic to death, from sanctuary to political upheaval, life here as bridged one spectrum after another. 

Hopefully, I will soon be able to share portions of my own journey with others through publication of this project that I've wrestled deeply with (and within myself). Partly because I truly desired a process of self-reflection as I revisited early essays ... always with an intention toward healing, peace, and love.

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