~ from cats, dogs and nature to the flowering of body, mind and spirit ~

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daisies in the Snow

SoulCards(c) Deborah Koff-Chapin
Radiance! A daisy of the field, simple yet strong, I raise my face to the Light. Standing within the field of Her love, peace seeps in and out of my pores, sinking deep and soaring high. I feel Her breath as I sway, warm and supple, motions so subtle they can only be seen by connecting, slowing, easing, being in the space of Her presence. I transform Her elements into energy that feeds the Light within and without. Daisies!

She is the snow that blows fine whispers of magic outside my window where I sit warmly with bright souls near to lend their peace and comfort. Sideways slants the wind, and so am I at times, tipping and tripping over Ego and Desire as they toss out their taunts, eager to gain my attention and create a flurry of activity that prevents clarity.

White-out prevails and rather than remain in the calm of Her warm, bright face, I choose to bundle up, venture out, and fight the crystals freezing on eyelashes. Forgetting my boots, I begin to know cold and hardness, eventually feeling a numbness, and wonder where I went wrong. Where is She? Did I miss a turn? Where is my Self? 

Always near, waiting only for my call, I see a light in the distance, and I move, shuffling blue toes through pristine white powder that tempted me with its flash and fluff, yet held an illusion as it began to freeze my senses, my compassion. Still, calm, She shines and shimmers as I step once more toward Her and feel a burning, a tingling, as my feet thaw, nearing Her bright presence, leaving the winter harshness behind until I am more prepared and focused. For that world is also profoundly beautiful and offers tremendous gifts for those who are wrapped warmly in Her.

The flame flickers and dances, a tiny spark of Spirit in Her fine red and yellow dress with the orange sash. As I open to Self, more sparks join and frolic, creating fanciful lightening as they unite and separate, "swing your partners, dosey-do!" A glorious pyrotechnic display that emanates from Her face in pure Joy!

An elegant contrast, Her myriad gifts, all welcome, all beautiful, when we step into the moments, carrying wisdom in Self.

How striking to feel the blessings of heat sitting in the midst of cold. To know the wonder of winter-land while sheltered in home and warmed by hearth. A mirror of my life, each step that could be or was, unable to survive for long without Her warm embrace as She came to me in fur-beings, and green-goddesses, and purple rock temples rising far above the fears and rotting dreams dying below. Unprepared. 

Yet, as seasons shift energies in order to die and be reborn into limitless opportunities, so has this human life changed. Beauty everywhere. Incredible potential lies waiting in the snowstorm, Her love burning within the hearth of my Soul. 

Her face a glowing beacon across the white expanse, Her cloak wrapping me warmly, I remember my boots and we begin again ... and again ... 


  1. Delightful to imagine daisies in a winter wonderland!

  2. Vicki and Diane, so pleased that you enjoyed the verbal visuals -- isn't the imagination a wonderful thing?! Especially for those of us who don't have talents with camera or drawing/painting... :-) That would be ME, not the both of you! LOL

  3. What a beautiful and apt metaphor, as I gaze out my library window at snowflakes drifting through the frigid, frozen, white landscape.

  4. Daisies in snow...I'm warming up to the possibilities. I like how you end with finding your boots and beginning again.

  5. Brenda, isn't it amazing how we can 'see' so much in what lies before us, whether it is substance or subtle?

    Mermaid, do let me know how that "warming up to the possibilities" goes?!


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